Scott Laughlin

Entrepreneurship / Community Banking / Blockchain Technology / Public Procurement / Assessing Environmental, Social & Governance Factors / Marketing Strategy

Scott is a prolific, successful entrepreneur and business solutions innovator -- always keeping an eye trained on the public interest. Currently, Scott serves on the Board of Directors of First Virginia Community Bank (Nasdaq: FVCB), LMO Advertising, and DecisionQ, an artificial intelligence company. ​Scott is also a Partner at Evermay Wealth Management, LLC.  Scott started his career at International Data Group (IDG), where he served in various positions, capping his early career with the launch of The Web, a magazine about the then-emerging Internet. Following IDG, Scott joined LinkExchange which was acquired by Microsoft, where Scott continued to work overseeing the creation of web-delivered applications. Following Microsoft, Scott returned to IDG as a Partner in their venture capital group, IDG Ventures. At IDGV, Scott led investments in emerging Cloud storage and SaaS companies, including Xythos Software (NASDAQ: BBBB). In 2005, Scott was the inaugural Director of the University of Maryland'sVentureAccelerator, a program that spins out companies based on the University’s Intellectual Property. Subsequently, Scott served as CEO of Zymetis, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMTX), a UMD spin-out biotechnology company focused on the generation of clean fuels. Independently, Scott has served as an advisor to or investor in several technology companies, including (NASDAQ: AMZN), TellMe (NASDAQ: MSFT), iLike (NASDAQ: NWSA) and Pype, Inc (NASDAQ: ADSK).

Currently, Scott advises select projects in the areas of financing, marketing, sales, revenue generation strategy, technology, general management, and governance. 



  • Entrepreneurship

  • New Venture Creation

  • Capital Formation

  • Banking and Financial Services

  • Blockchain Technology 

  • Public Procurement

  • Environmental, Social & Governance Factors 

  • Marketing and Revenue Generation Strategy 


  • Princeton University, A.B. Politics. 


  • English 

  • Spanish